Archive for the ‘musica’ Tag

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qotsa   Leave a comment







Posted March 25, 2013 by werewolf350 in affetto, bee, cosmoagonia

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che felicità!   Leave a comment












back to black   Leave a comment







A long slow goodbye   Leave a comment

Where have you gone again my sweet?
Everybody wants to know
Where have you gone again my sweet?
Everybody wants to know
Where you gone?

I’m just a ghost, i’m on your street
Waitin’, when you comin’ home?
Gone so long
Where you gone?
On a long slow goodbye?
On a long slow goodbye…

In every voice, i hear you speak
Waitin’ by the telephone
I close my eyes, i just can’t sleep
Roll & tumble all night long
All night long
Where you gone?

I close my eyes, i just can’t sleep
Where have you gone again my sweet?

On a long slow goodbye?
On a long slow goodbye…




Quens Of The StoneAge





















Dave Grohl.

Posted March 13, 2013 by werewolf350 in stupor mundi

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reloaded by kind demand…   Leave a comment


blue note frames;


dreamy flow
































 thanks Dave…
they were already in fifth gear and
Thou hast given a turbo boost!
topic sounds like:







v(i)Deo   Leave a comment




& troops
have a common fucked…


Italian stuntgirl ass


who writes,

alternatives rock
in London, about



…in her

Have I the nicest
best gun
of bands, and





so that
after moonlit night

sent I
her in

gynecological hospital.
(but I have; no blamecry sfondo nero.gif)




















tried she
to retrieve













































































(majestic lady!)



































no need have you


write bullshit,








make I them.






overture in





































la mia prof d’inglese madrelingua
et malelingua(poverina)
delle superiori
non sarebbe troppo d’accordo!
lasciamola dunque nel guano
sonnolente, sassone
e sgraziato
del mio














particolare uno.jpeg
































not I’m “Messiah”,
“significant” only
prophet. mouth I am min(e)d God is.





















try to













everybody know that you are insane   Leave a comment

stavo scrivendo na cosa


si riavvia il pc;

menomale che ogni 5 secondi

mi aggiorna che la bozza è salvata;

vado a vedere, post reload,

e aveva salvato u’ cazz!

meglio per lei; seeeeeempre

glorificare la copula





dove cazzo devi andare volkspress

giusto a revisionare bozze che poi

a lavoro finito, se non ho salvato

tutto su openoffice, tu non hai salvato

una minchia.






















sempre celebrare…








(sono quello























agli stronzi*.
























































































































































*Nel 2019 fonderò una setta internet, come ce ne sono già 34 miliardi, tutti li ogni giorno a sentire e subire le PAROLE del pope e quindi, giacché simpatico FUI agli stronzi, giungerò ad audience miliardarie… quando saremo almeno 3 o 4 miliardi deciderò che il dio alieno che mi (com)muove!!! sono solo un profeta.. ha deliberato che tutti gli adepti devono “smontare” dal gruppo suicidandosi dalla forma umanoide per poi assumere la grazia del cielo!!!! di
Marte o Saturno; sono ancora indeciso e molto insicuro
su questi ultimi 2 particolari(sssono solo un uomo!)…

In quanto profeta io dovrò(aimè!) sopravvivere per portare la voce di dio ai restanti 5 miliardi…

e vivacchierò,








































































così come vivacchio oggi;
senza fare un amato nulla,
bevendo prosecco,
alzandomi alle 15, solo,
per portare fuori i cani,
oppure per andare a trombare con una
povera stronza alla quale sto simpatico o
spesso antipatico ed antipanico sono come
le piattole, quest’ultime, te le azzecchi in culo
e non te le togli più, roba da Cronemberg.
Il mondo…
è popolato da stronzi come te.
So già che ti sto simpatico ma
mi spiace non sono per il sesso
take away con maschi, gia
se si tratta di un femminone poFFo
pensarci(devi però essere
solidamente scolpita di culo
oltre che di sci|eme|nza
per fonderti con un
statt’accorta Magdala)















a long slow goodbye.

QOTSA   Leave a comment







lullabies to paralyze!!!!!!


Posted March 9, 2013 by werewolf350 in 3° tipo

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wop* (handmaid rhetoric)   Leave a comment








Is not Italian style just
an homosexual fashion piece,
it’s the West origin,
rush through your veins ,



Empire blood.

particolare uno small.jpg











not We are merely

TV’s feminized politics…



we are(& can be)





























































*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wop is a pejorative racial slur used primarily, but not exclusively, to refer to people from Italy. It is also used to slur Italian-Americans, and it is similar to the word ‘Wog’, used in Australia.

It originated between 1910 and 1915 in the United States. One theory is that it stands for “without papers” (abbreviated WOP).[citation needed] According to Merriam-Webster its first known use was in 1908. The commonly accepted etymology is that it originates from a southern Italian dialect term “guappo”, meaning swagger, derived from the Spanish term guapo, via dialectical French, meaning ruffian or pimp. This also has roots in the Latin vappa, meaning wine gone flat. This theory holds that the term was brought to the U.S. by early Southern Italian immigrants from the region of Campania, who named those suspected to belonging to the Guapparia “Guappi“, in a similar fashion Sicilian people used the term “Mafiosi”.[citation needed] Widely used in Chicago where most immigrants from Campania settled,[citation needed] it was confused by non-Italian people to indicate Southern Italians in general, like the word “paesano”.

Although the history of the word wop is not entirely certain, it can be found in various forms throughout pop culture. One memorable example is the bar fight scene in the film From Here to Eternity.














Leonardo, Michelangelo, Dante, Bernini, Gacometti, Caravaggio, The Magnificent Lawrence,
Modigliani, Caesar, Marinetti, Pasolini, Sergio Leone, Carmelo Bene, Boccioni etc etc…
American cowboys they were … of course,
their shooting bullshit in American style, a bit ‘as the self shelling of the twin towers… ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah (american style)

ye believe it!



this man is your excuse to your planetary historic tortrure obama.png


never forget







(Saxonian satire)